jaguarbass, LEARN TO SPELL you Merkin yokel! god is a theory!
And you makem us bass players look bad!
why evolutionary biology is a crucial part of the curriculum .... .
optimism in evolution.
by olivia judsonlondon.
jaguarbass, LEARN TO SPELL you Merkin yokel! god is a theory!
And you makem us bass players look bad!
our kingdom ministry, april 1992, p. 4, par.
7. keep spiritually strong, stay clean for jehovahs service.
7 the benefits of these meetings are multiplied when they are combined with good habits of personal and family study.
btw, never realy bothered with much else. read the bible on my own and never did it on THEIR schedule! reading the bible alone was fun. got mental pictures of stuff and i felt that my interpretations worked better that the dub way. i'm agnostic, but feel that my ideas are, no hell to suffer in (reserved for satan, the antichrist, et al) since the wages of sin is death. yer forgiven when you die. and also i feel the holy spirit has a personality. and jesus is one with the father.
our kingdom ministry, april 1992, p. 4, par.
7. keep spiritually strong, stay clean for jehovahs service.
7 the benefits of these meetings are multiplied when they are combined with good habits of personal and family study.
i put in around 35 hrs the 1st 3 or so months since i became an unbaptised pub. that never lasted. field circus got boring, repetitive and useless. NO ONE is interested here in the states! neither is it in EU! i regret getting dunked. ~_~
one day after a sunday meeting, 2 elders got into it with each other and started screaming at one another in the back of the hall just as service arrangements were being made.
of course, the boe counseled them strongly but the result was that the congregation lost respect for the whole body.
the eders always intimidated me, but i never actually hated em. one thought satan used me to try to hurt another sister i SUPPOSEDLY hit with my car whilst baking out! not sure i actually bumped her. and he had the gall to say his little boys acted moe caring in general than me. whatta rich, beemer suv-driving jackass!
according to the watchtower, a resurrected being is a body that has placed within it the memories and attributes of a person who had lived before.. the "life force" is transferred to the body to bring it alive.
also according to the watchtower, the "life force" is impersonal and contains no personality.
it is like electricity in that it is an actuating force.. ok, so in the future there will be billions of people with memories of having lived on the earth.
Sounds like an 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' kinda thing. Or cloning! Pretty creepy shite imho.
look at those sheep run!.
i see nothing. got a link to the video? i'll check youtube...
i made a big effort to get to the watchtower study today.
i have not been to the meetings much for months, but i figured this was a pretty historic "study" and i wanted to see reactions and how it would go down locally.
well a few things struck me as a bit odd in the study itself, and in the audience response as well.
JCanon, the state of Isreal has nothing to dowith prophecy! You think Jeebus is gonna rule in physical Isreal?
BTW, how do you add those emotes like the laughing dog and the Clint Eastwood thing?
my da announcement was last tuesday, so i have been on the official jw shun list for about a week now.... i am curious how you handle situation:.
i have spoken with my family (my parents and 1 brother) and discussed whether they will shun me.
i explained that biblically they should not shun me since i am not an antichrist, and i have not rejected the teaching that jesus cam in the flesh.
Hello there! I handle it ok. I'm Agnostic, so I'm different with the 'god in flesh' thing.
Funny thing, one talked to me on the phone asking for my mum. But one of the elders who DFed me wanted a unbaptised non-publisher friend of my mum's not to talk to me, not that I care since she's so harsh to me anyways. She seems to think I should do as I'm told even though I'm 27! This submission crap sucks! I'm rather livid why the dubs love submission and control so much! Didn't Jeus want his followers to be nice and have small jobs to do and no domination of others? They're so ARROGANT! I was so depressed as a dub. And I feel better when my folks aren't around much. I bet they'd die if they knew I'm a Lesbian. HAHA! And the dubs make self-worth and dignity evapourate. I have bad social skills compared to "worldly" people and I can't seem to get a job of a girlfriend. And I just wish i had birthday parties. Still never had one.
Sorry if I'm ranting. I just need to get it out. I feel so much better now.
hi everyone, i'm not new here just haven't posted in a while.
for those who remember me i'm graduating from college on wednesday!!!!
i'm very happy but there's still a dark cloud (pardon the dramatic-ness) i am still with my non-jw boyfriend of almost three years and i've let my parents know that we want to get married (next month) and they went and told the elders(they did it kinda behind my back) who now want to meet and talk with me!
Congrats on graduating and the marriage! I assume yer still a dub? I say it's better to be with yer fiance than with the WTBS! I was DFed and I feel better. It might be hard on yer folks, but maybe they'll understand that love is more important than the elders. I say screw the society and leave em behind.
credit goes to jw freak for bringing out that "young people ask , answers that work vol 2" will be coming out this dc.
lets talk .... .
BBOARD - Interesting info! Who're those girls in yer avatar? I wanna find a bigger copy of that pic.
I wonder if these are covered...
YPA: "I'm a girl who has feelings for my best friend. Is being a Lesbian OK?" I think I read something on FreeMinds about a 'sister' to commited suicide when she was Dfed for having Lesbian feelings.
YPA: "Do Mommy and Daddy love God more than me?"
Sorry bout not posting sooner. I lurked here for a while. Might post more later. n_n I was DFed 1.5 years ago for smoking. You're all right. Said I quit (lied) but was DFed anyways. What a kangaroo court!
I left before I was dunked for lack of interest then 9/11 scared me back in. NOTHING will make me go back. I'm Agnostic, but if there's a god, he ran off after my dunkin in '03. Maybe he's backing the born-againers. Don't believe Catholicism is right cos Lent n Purgatory are not bible-based. No offense if any in the RCC are here. (I feel being a Catholic or some kind of Pagan are the biggest shockers the Dub can get! LOL)